U.S. Joins Industry in Piracy War


Nepsir' skrev

It’s a well known fact that the Swedish army have made risk analyses that shows that if Sweden is attacked it is most likely by the United States….

Let’s hope they will be occupied in Iraq (and Iran soon i guess) for a long time….

smastad skrev

Ett handelskrig mot USA vore en dum idé (vår export är beroende av USA) men en konsumentbojkott är aldrig fel.
Äter f.ö. inte på McDonald’s sen jag hittade en kackerlacka i Hamburgare (tur att man äter med bestick) och CocaCola dricker jag inte sen 6e juni.

SixDays skrev

I try to humour as many people as I can, and Im glad that I put a smile on your face.

Based on what we have seen so far the US ordered attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, claiming that they were strongholds for terrorists and that Saddam had weapons of massdestruction, which to this day havent been found, since there are none. The main reason for launching an attack on Iraq was money and oil.

I think you missed my point or I might not have been as clear as I should be. The WWIII scenario I proclaimed to have foreseen isnt about music, games or movies. Thats just a secondary objective. The main objective is to control ALL information regardlessly. If you read the papers you see that Bush is exercising his presidential rights to and over the limit. He has changed US legislation so that he may order torture of prisoners, wiretapping of journalists etc etc.

And no, I dont think that they will just attack to preserve copyright, but if he or his followers manages to dupe the american people to believe that sweden is a nazi stronghold or that we are trying to create weapons of massdestruction we might be facing an attack.

Never forget that the media industry has an enormous amounts of money, and that the person who wins the presidential elections mainly pulls it off by PR. Airtime is the key.

And yes, you are right, the american ”empire” will collapse and die. But I wonder if we will be able to see its fall.

M (Shagpad) skrev

Who needs the US anyway? China = Import, Germany = Export? isn’t that todays scenario? (very simplified but still)

Fluf skrev

”The U.S. government and the entertainment industry have a right to raise such issues with foreign nations, the RIAA’s Turkowitz said. Movie and music piracy, he said, ”is a problem that really doesn’t know any borders.”

How goes that saying? ”If your not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem”.

I honestly don’t think MPAA/RIAA are a part of the solution when it comes to filesharings relation to the artitst income.

Johan Viberg skrev

Jolt och Max. EAT THAT United States of whatever!

ska jag vara ärlig är jag inte säker på vem som gör jolt >_> men norrlandsguld har vi ju alltid kvar :D

Anonym skrev

It’s a war agains truth and freedom from a dictature.
USA think that they are the world, they are NOT!
Hitler and the Nazi was trying to control the world, now it’s USA. The history repeats itself.
Nothing less nothing more. Same bad leaders…

Anonym skrev

I can’t stand this right here, who do they think they are? They should not be able to act in this way and force foregin governments to comply:

”Dan Glickman, president of the MPAA, confirmed that his group had asked Sweden to toughen its laws on intellectual property theft.

”What we do is look around the world to look if laws need to be improved, then we make suggestions,” Glickman said. He emphasized that the MPAA respects the sovereign rights of foreign nations. As for the backlash, Glickman said, ”Yes, I’m sure the pirates in Sweden are upset.”

jonas Lihnell skrev

The most crucial and important port in strategic warfare is economy. Don’t destroy military, destroy commerce. destroy ability to communicate. Wound the soldiers, don’t kill them. Dead soldier cost very little to maintain, wounded cost a lot.

Blocking us (sweden) from trading with the US is something I wouldn’t doubt a second on if they would or would not do.

Anonym skrev

Det blir allt svårare för Bodström & Co att komma undan det faktum att det till ytan stora landet i väster har utövat påtryckning för att stänga TPB.
Kanske dax att sluta med McDonalds & CocaCola

€xit skrev

SixDays: Ur a funny guy, cant stop laugh my GD pants off. Even if you right about one thing (Pirats have to unite) still I cant stop laugh.

I can admit to the idea that ww3 could be about control of information has its points, or even so called ”American truth” or control of it.

It´s a delution to think America attack countrys to protect music industry.

What we do know is: The Roman Empire died, The British Empire died and sure the American ”Empire” will die. Why you ask urself, simply lack of money…

Qui skrev

Personligen så tror jag och även hoppas att inom 5-10 år så har USA försvunnit från kartan, Och har därmed inget mer att säga till om.

Usernaim skrev

Ja, vad ska man säga. Den som skrev artikeln lär ju vara avlönad av ett ammerkanskt skivbolag av det extremkonservativa slaget, den saken är klar.

När man läser artikeln så får man både intrycket att torrentsidor generellt är illegala och så kan man ana att man blir utesluten ur WTO om man inte gör som skivbolaget vill.

Sköna lirare dom är på washpost.

tixe skrev

I don’t think USA can win against EU now after the Iraq war…
USA lost so many soldiers and there are so many soldiers that wont go to another war after Iraq… so the chance is very very little that they really can do some kind of new war… But they can damage us economical…

tixe skrev

Har läst igenom allt och flera saker är ganska fel…..

Vi var ute inte bara för att få tillbaka tpb servern men även alla andra servers som de tog på köpet…

Torrentsidor är inte illegala och tpb är inte till bara för illegal filesharing…. men men… det är ju USA efter allt.. :P

tixe skrev

illegal file-sharing Web site

Det är den ju inte… är de dumma i huvudet eller? ;o

SixDays skrev

The article at the washingtonpost has a really interesting part, I quote
”More than a decade of hard lobbying by two powerful trade groups, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), has convinced U.S. lawmakers and law enforcement officials that it’s worth using America’s muscle to protect movie and music interests abroad. Now, lawmakers are calling the trade groups, asking what else Congress and the government can do for the entertainment industry.”

Im talking about the part that goes: ”it’s worth using America’s muscle to protect movie and music interests abroad.”
What they are really proclaiming is a threat to all countries (primarily sweden) that ”cease and desist or we will send troops to conquer and kill you”. Its not at all far fetched.

This might really be the beginning of the third world war, a war unlike the previous ones in the aspect of motive.
No longer is it about a piece of land, its about information, the control of information and the control of the truth. More then ever all pirates will have to unite.

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